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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The energy of acupuncture

AcupunctureImage by swanksalot via Flickr

When it comes to acupuncture, you will find that there are basic concepts that you have to understand in order to learn the entire process known as “qi”. Qi happens to the energy of the body. Anything negative that you body may go through, like disease or illness, is because your Qi is disrupted. When it comes to the stimulation that you will get from Acupuncture, you will find that there are needles that are placed in specific points of the body so that the Qi flow can be affected. An acupuncturist is someone who uses the use of the needles to heal or unblock your qi flow. The concepts of the qi is difficult for most beginners, but it can be broken into easily understand concepts that you can learn one at a time.

First, it is important to note there are five main types of qi energy: Qi, Jing, Xue, Jin Ye, and Shen. Qi can be roughly translated to “matter-energy.” It causes the movements in the universe, but it is a vital part of your own good health. Some equate the Qi to the soul. Jing can be most closely translated to “essence” in the English language, but there are no exact words in Western terms that mean Jing. When it come to Jing, it is something that is inherited like DNA and then we are able to create out own by eating certain foods and through the air that we breath. Jing, then can be somewhat called “health,” since we genetically receive some health predisposition, but also effect our own health and the health of our children with our lifestyle choices.

Literally meaning blood, Xue is the liquid that flows in the blood and through the Qi or energy of the body. The health of the two is dependent on one another. Jin Ye is also a tangible idea—bodily fluids. These include saliva, milk, tears, genital secretions, sweat, stomach fluids, and other liquids of the body. Finally, Shen is simply just the spirit of the body. Traditionally, your spirit is located in your heart.

Acupuncture is a way that you can treat the energies and to help create a healthy body. The energies are important since that help us develop body heat, defend illness, grow and develop, control the body’s blood and organs, transform, and break down the body’s metabolism. If you get acupuncture done on a regular basis, then you will be able to turn all of your negativity in your Qi to be released.
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